Quit-Tok: A Viral Social Media Trend Influencing Jobs

In the age of social media dominance, how we communicate, share, and even quit our jobs is experiencing a new turn. The rise of platforms like TikTok has given young workers (millennials) a powerful platform to express themselves and make bold statements, including when it comes to leaving their jobs. One of these viral terms is “Quit Tok.” It is a trend where employees, especially GEN-Z and millennials, resign from jobs in creative and sometimes dramatic ways, often shared on social media platforms like TikTok. This trend reflects changing attitudes towards work and the desire for authenticity and individual expression in the workplace.

The Rise of Quit-Tok: Quite Quitting On The Peak

In July 2022, an American Engineer, Zaid Khan, uploaded a video on TikTok and started a new concept, Quit Tok or Quite Quitting. With the video, he wrote a caption: You’re still doing your duties, but you no longer subscribe to the hustle-culture mentality that work has to be your life. This is not the reality. And your worth as a person cannot be defined by your daily labor. The video with the hashtag #quittok went viral, sparking a global movement within weeks. Even the media quickly picked up on the trend, amplifying its global reach.

Quiet-Tok videos offer an easy escape from the chaos of everyday life. These videos feature calming visuals, ASMR (Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response) triggers, nature scenes, and minimalist aesthetics, promoting a sense of relaxation and mindfulness among people. Quit-Tok or Quite Quitting can be better understood by the following:

No Extra Effort 

Do only what is necessary for the job requirements, and avoid doing anything that is unpaid, such as free overtime. 

No Work After Office Hours

Workers are no longer willing to do tasks outside their designated office hours, such as checking emails or meetings on evenings and weekends.

No Voluntary Contributions

Employees will not take up any extra unpaid responsibility like doing voluntary work or any other committee role.  

Rejecting empty promises

Frustration over unfulfilled promises of promotions or salary increases needs to stop. Employees must get the appreciation and appraisal they deserve. 

Prioritizing work-life balance

Particularly among younger generations, there is a desire to integrate work with personal aspirations such as travel, hobbies, and quality time with loved ones. Being over-ambitious or stressing over deadlines is seen as an obstacle in their lifestyle. 

Who are Quit-Tokers? 

Just as traditional influencers shape consumer trends and preferences, Quiet-Tok is giving rise to a new breed of influencers known as “Quiet Influencers.”The practice of quietly quitting one’s job has gained significant attention recently, especially among young Millennials and Gen Z. While some may perceive it as a sign of laziness, it’s important to recognize that this trend reflects broader issues related to employee satisfaction and job fulfillment.

Silent quitting is not all about avoiding responsibility or duties; rather, it’s a way of expressing discomfort within the workplace. Rather than being seen as a negative aspect, silent quitting can be viewed as a signal for companies to reassess their strategies for employee retention and happiness.