A Comprehensive Guide On Business Credit Score

A business credit score is a metric used to judge the creditworthiness of your business. Why is it important for you? As an entrepreneur, you know that maintaining a positive cash flow every year is difficult, and sometimes, it becomes necessary to process a loan to carry out your operations. This is where credit rating comes into the picture. Credit rating bureaus like Dun & Bradstreet, Equifax, and Experian are responsible for producing business credit reports and scores on the basis of which you are provided with the loan. We will explain in the blog how these agencies measure your credit rating later. 

What Effects Business Credit Scores?

Credit rating bureaus consider multiple factors while compiling their credit rating reports:

  • Payment History: A long-standing history of paying your invoices and bills on time plays a significant factor in assessing your credit score. If you pay your bills on time, then your credit score will have a positive impact. 
  • Length Of Credit History: Companies with a long credit history are generally given better ratings. Credit rating agencies also find it easy to analyze the financial behavior of the company while determining its creditworthiness. 
  • Public Records: Adverse Information in public records, such as the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC), Tax liens, and Notices of Default, will negatively impact your credit score. 
  • Financial Statements: Financial Statements are the best source for any person or company to assess its financial health. Showing positive growth in your company’s cash flows sends a good signal and improves the company’s credit score. 

How To Improve Your Business Credit Scores? 

You can improve the credit score of your company by simply following these five rules:

  • Good Payment History: As mentioned above, paying your bills on time significantly improves your credit scores, so it is important that you do so. 
  • Refrain From Cancelling Old Credit Accounts: Credit rating agencies prefer a long-standing history of credit for analyzing financial behavior. Ensure that you do not close your old credit accounts; the older the account, the more impact it has on your company’s credit score.
  • Try to Avoid these Red flags: Keep an eye on  things that can negatively portray your company’s profile, like negative consumer feedback, write-offs, etc.,

Ending Note

Business credit scores are important in securing a loan to finance your business operations. While multiple options exist, such as personal loans and credit cards, a small business loan can offer more favorable terms.